GRADUATION is big and very exciting event that students look forward to. Speaking in the graduation is a big deal to some, those who are not afraid of piblic speaking.
If I was choosen to write a speach and speak at CBFS graduation ceremony i would say something like this:
In the name of Allah and om behalf of the students body, I would like to walcome you all in our CBFS graduation ceremony. We all gather here to honor my fellow srudents who have being working hard to reach this point. Someone once said "you have brains in your head, you have feet in your shose. you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. your on your own and you know what you know. you are the guy who will decide where to go". It is our independence day, if i may say. Now we'll leave this college, taking with us what we achieved here and our memories towards a bright future, walking with our education as the most powerful weapon wver existed fighting for survivle in this world. Now I would like to say a final word to my fellow students hope they would keep in mind as Winston Churchill said "Success is never final, falure is never fatal. It is courage that counts". THANK YOU..