Monday 9 May 2011

Why classes are becoming BORING

These days classes or lessons are becoming very very boring day after day..the are very boring then they have ever been before..
i din't really know the reason for this...but i know that if this continued, trhe students wont attend their classes very much and this will lead or it will effect the students performance...and this will be a big issue that MUST be solved very soon..

if you have any answer to end up this problem please be kind to write them for me..i'll be greatfull for you..

Sunday 20 March 2011

Hip Hip..hurrrraay>>>> for ME

GUESS what > I finally got my DRIVIG LICENCE. I feel that this is the best day in my whole life. After a long journey on learning how to drive, I  finally passed the road test yesturday and got my driving licence TODAY.. I feel VERY VERY happy and pleased of myself. All my family and friends congradulated me and gave my some advices.. Like> you must be careful when you drive and don't be fast till you get used to it.
In short, the feeling that I have right now is really awsome and can't be described..

Finally, I want to say> all the best to all those who are still trying to get their driving licence.. you just need to have faith and hope inside yourself and you need to have self-confidence. Lastly, believe in yourself that you will manage to do it.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

My tragic day on wednesday

At the beginnig of the day I was very happy but my happpiness didn't last for long.. Because something bad had happened to me and it really got me upset. It even ruined my whole day.
do you know that > people can turn you very easily from one thing to another, they can change your mood quickly..and in my case, someone had turned me from being HAPPY to being SAD..